Some Fraud Stuff Title
D. Larry Crumbley


I will come to you.

Two day seminar on forensic accounting, forensic techniques, and fraud detection at company locations anywhere. I have taught Russian, Chinese, British, Austrailian, Malaysian, Vietnamese, Thai, Guam, Dubai, South African, New Zealand, Greek, Pakistani, Abu Dhabi, Brazilian, Taiwanese, and Nigerian executives. Contact Larry Crumbley (979.317.3427; 979.255.1286)

The following are a collection of paper and short stories that pertain to fraud and fraud perpetrators.  These papers were written by students at the Louisiana State University.

  Nick Brignola - "Fraud Perpetrator Profile: A Short Story"

  Lisa Eversole - "Profile of a Fraudster"

  Tammy Hinds - "Governor J. Fife Symington, III "

 Jennifer Duvall - "Inventory Fraud - Don't Be Left Scratching Your Head "

 Darrell Langlois - "Healthcare Fraud Sweeps the U.S."

"Finding fraud is like using a metal detector at a city dump to find rare coins. You're going to have a lot of false hits." - D. Larry Crumbley



 Larry Crumbley's Home Page

Forensic Accountants in Literature